Benefits of Trichodermas
Beneficial Fungi: Cultivation with Trichoprot Prot-eco. Trichoderma Harzianum.
Benefits and applications of the Trichoderma in the cultivation of cannabis.
The Trichoderma are beneficial fungi that act occupying the rhizosphere, making that pathogenic fungus do not enter it.
Among their many qualities is Control of fungal diseases of the soil as Phytium, Fusarium, …, a marked effect of stimulation of roots, at the same time that it makes that the plant has greater resistance in front of other pathogens.
It is recommended to apply Trichoderma harzianum from the first radicle after the germination or once the first roots start to come out in the cuttings.
It will be continued with the treatment during the whole cultivation once a month managing to guarantee the number of spores that the plant needs for good development.
Furthermore, it is also advisable a treatment at each transplanting.
Trichoprot is dissolved at the rate of 3gr per 1Liter of water and will be applied by irrigation.